28 August 2011

MERRIMACK (WP) -- Merrimack resident Louise Koutavas notes damage at the home she shares with her husband, Jay, and felines Sumi and Joplin.

"Along with taking down one of my bean poles, it also shredded a large marigold", she confided to our reporter, as we toured the residence. Pointing out a felled trellis containing morning glories, and twigs littering the yard, she noted that pre-hurricane emergency preparedness precautions were taken. "I was out yesterday taking in our Ron Paul yard sign and moving the bird feeder, the one with the large grey squirrel guard, indoors. Also the plants in containers spent the day indoors, and some are quite large."

Photos of Garden and Plant Damage

picture of damaged garden
Note the proximity of the fallen pole to a growing cucumber, which luckily escaped damage.

picture of shredded marigold

She shared a photo of the garden the day before the storm, noting how sturdy the bean poles seemed before the winds.

pre-Irene photo

Since the storm, in only a few short hours, hoards of invasive fungi have been "simply popping from the earth", in the words of the homeowner. This is somewhat unsurprising, given the deluge during the day, however the speed of their emergence gives plenty to be intrigued about, especially in a wide-open lawn situation.

"It's easy to understand a certain amount of growth in a mushroom, during one afternoon, but the luncheon plate size of some of these monstrosities stretches the limits of possibility," stated our staff mycologist, who is investigating the reports that these sprung up in a matter of hours.

large mushrooms

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