3 December 1998 (note- 2006: the referenced site seems to be vastly changed now)

picture of an armadillo air freshener

Sometime one wonders. Like, this weekly patent page, or, more specifically, the patent for the armadillo. I might actually buy one if I saw it. So I'm not sure what I wonder about, exactly... me, or the inventors.

You have to admit it has that certain something. It's the tongue hanging out, for me. And then, the tire track. I didn't realize that's what it was until I saved the image and saw it was titled "Roadkill".

But this is art. At least, I think it is. It's life seived through a human mind and producing a human reaction. It has purpose, humor, style. It has the ability to make you see, for a moment, what someone else saw.

So my answer to "what is art" includes this critter. And perhaps even the barbed wire license plate holder, which you'll have to go look up yourself on the patent page.

picture of an armadillo air freshener

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