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Memo: Grover Cleveland's Grandson once ran for NH State Senate; lost. Google it.

  Gettin' Carried Away Lovin' Good Ol' Joe...

With all the GOP fussing among the pundit class over the defeat of that paragon of Democratic principle, Joe Lieberman, Pat Buchanan still reminds us of this (who else would, by the way?): “What does Joe oppose? School prayer, the American Legion's flag amendment, Sam Alito, drilling in the ANWAR and any phase-out of death taxes....Last year, Joe's rating by Americans for DemocraticAction was 80. The ACLU gave him an 83, the NAACP an 85, the AFL-CIO a 92, LULAC a perfect 100. In 2004, Joe got a 100 rating from the National Abortion Rights Action League and a zero from National Right to Life. His American Conservative Union rating was zero. His Christian Coalition rating was zero. The National Rifle Association, which grades by letters, gave Joe a big, fat “F.”See LINK  -- Posted 8/14/2006




News Flash: Colin Powell (in Mexico City, no less) says 'border walls don't work.' We say, make 'em work. Bush says, mass deportation 'ain't gonna work.' We say, just do your job. Protect the borders of the United States of America. Enforce the laws on the books NOW. We'll address the illegals already here later. Here's what it really 'ain't': Complicated...









A Little History...

How I met the Holocaust -- Lawrence Henry

Thomas Madden on the Crusades

 Franklin Pierce Turns 200 -- Jayme H. Simoes

1776: The Forgotten Revolution -- Geoffrey Norman

Last Voyages: CSS Shenandoah and the New Bedford Whaling Fleet -- Phoebe Kosman

The Founding Rogue -- Noemie Emery

Digging for the Real Billy the Kid
From The Jewish World Review

BBC History Site

EyeWitness to History.Com


Some Great Quotes


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